Docs / rescript-react / Beyond JSX

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Beyond JSX

JSX is a syntax sugar that allows us to use React components in an HTML like manner. A component needs to adhere to certain interface conventions, otherwise it can't be used in JSX. This section will go into detail on how the JSX transformation works and what React APIs are used underneath.

Note: This section requires knowledge about the low level apis for creating elements, such as React.createElement or ReactDOM.createDOMElementVariadic.

Note: The output shown for the examples on this page assumes your rescript.json to be set to "jsx": { "version": 4, "mode": "classic" }. We will update it for automatic mode soon.

Component Types

A plain React component is defined as a ('props) => React.element function. You can also express a component more efficiently with our shorthand type React.component<'props>.

Here are some examples on how to define your own component types (often useful when interoping with existing JS code, or passing around components):

// Plain function type type friend = {name: string, online: bool} type friendComp = friend => React.element // Equivalent to // ({padding: string, children: React.element}) => React.element type props = {padding: string, children: React.element} type containerComp = React.component<props>

The types above are pretty low level (basically the JS representation of a React component), but since ReScript React has its own ways of defining React components in a more language specific way, let's have a closer look on the anatomy of such a construct.

JSX Component Interface

A ReScript React component needs to be a (sub-)module with a make function and props type to be usable in JSX. To make things easier, we provide a @react.component decorator to create those functions for you:

module Friend = {
  let make = (~name: string, ~children) => {

In the expanded output:

  • props: A generated record type that has fields according to the labeled arguments of the make function

  • make: A converted make function that complies to the component interface (props) => React.element

Special Case React.forwardRef

The @react.component decorator also works for React.forwardRef calls:

module FancyInput = {
  let make = React.forwardRef((~className=?, ~children, ref) =>
      // use ref here

As shown in the expanded output above, our decorator desugars the function passed to React.forwardRef in the same manner as a typical component make function. It also creates a props type with an optional ref field, so we can use it in our JSX call (<FancyInput ref=.../>).

So now that we know how the ReScript React component transformation works, let's have a look on how ReScript transforms our JSX constructs.

JSX Under the Hood

Whenever we are using JSX with a custom component ("capitalized JSX"), we are actually using React.createElement to create a new element. Here is an example of a React component without children:

JSXWithout JSXJS Output
<Friend name="Fred" age=20 />

As you can see, it uses Friend.make to call the React.createElement API. In case you are providing children, it will use React.createElementVariadic instead (which is just a different binding for React.createElement):

JSXWithout JSXJS Output
<Container width=200>

Note that the children: React.null field has no relevance since React will only care about the children array passed as a third argument.

Dom Elements

"Uncapitalized JSX" expressions are treated as DOM elements and will be converted to ReactDOM.createDOMElementVariadic calls:

JSXWithout JSXJS Output
<div title="test"/>

The same goes for uncapitalized JSX with children:

JSXWithout JSXJS Output
<div title="test">